Two weeks ago, our little girl (from the USA and her family) came home and requested we take her to Regina's to buy her some stuff to take home for her little friends. Upon arriving, we felt our tummies cry…
Two weeks ago, our little girl (from the USA and her family) came home and requested we take her to Regina's to buy her some stuff to take home for her little friends. Upon arriving, we felt our tummies cry…
Coming home from some work in Valenzuela City, me and the wifey had a sudden urge to go back to Samgyup Salamat for dinner. Unfortunately, at around 6past, the place was already packed and so was the parking space. On…
Wondering what to eat this lunch, the wifey suggested Samgyup Salamat. Hmm.. anyway, I learned very, very later on after looking for the place that it was also a Korean grill-type of restaurant. This was similar to Korean J Grill…
Korean Grill is not as uncommon as the grilling we encounter on buffets around Metro Manila. Just the other day, we saw from a cousin's Facebook, that they ate at a Korean J Grill. They seemed happy enough to post…